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Get the full picture of who Kamala is with this in-depth video: Kamala Entire Career History

● Enhancing the nation’s cybersecurity systems including investing in new technology and increased collaboration with the private sector.
● Improved infrastructure such as electrical grid, water systems, and banking from attacks.
● Supports increased efforts to address domestic terrorism through intelligence gathering, working more effectively with local law enforcement, and addressing causes of radicalization.
● Countering international terrorism by strengthening agencies and working closer with other nations by sharing intelligence and other measures.
● Strengthen FEMMA to improve disaster preparedness and response by increasing funding and improving communication with local authorities.
● Increase preparedness for future pandemics through research and development of vaccines, improving public health structures, and working closer with local health authorities.
● Better coordination with local and federal governments to ensure effective response to threats.
● Robust oversight and accountability to ensure security measures do not infringe on civil liberties.

● Medicare for all source
● Has called for the abolition of employer-sponsored health insurance, and, at times, for the abolition of private health insurance in its entirety.
● Strengthening the Affordable Care Act by medicaid expansion source
● Improving access to care and social determinants for low-income and disadvantaged communities source
● Supports policies for better pay and training for long term support caregivers and support for family caregivers source
● Medicare for all!  What this means is your private health insurance is now gone and you’re in a single payer system: Medicare, or a variation thereon….
First, the health insurance industry will be decimated.  Second, have you ever seen a government run agency be efficient?  Third, who do you want in  making health care decisions? Your doctor or a government bureaucrat?

● Continued efforts to pass a bipartisan bill that failed in the senate after members of the GOP were directed to oppose it when it was previously supported. source
● Pathway to citizenship for dreamers, TPS holders, and essential workers. source
● DACA protections source
● Working with countries to address the main causes of illegal immigration such as violence, corruption, and economic hardships source
● Improve the Visa system to clear out the backlog and make legal immigration faster source
● Border Czar-it speaks for itself

● Modernize the military through advanced technology, nuclear deterrence, and ensuring readiness of forces. source
● Improved alliance with allies and NATO source
● Using diplomacy as first line of defense source 
● Rejoining international agreements to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, such as the Iran Nuclear Deal source

● Calling for immediate ceasefire source
● Supports a 2 state solution including an independent Palestine and a secure Israel source
● Continued support for Israel to protect itself source
● Supports U.S. military aid to Israel for continued protection source
● Continuing humanitarian aid to Palestine to address the crisis in Gaza and the west bank, including food, healthcare, and other services. source
● Opposes Israeli settlement expansion into the west bank source
● Condemns acts for terrorism on both sides source
● Believes the U.S. should leverage it’s influence in the region to encourage peace source

She did not preside over the General Assembly when Benjamin Netanyahu gave his September 27, 2024 speech and then met with him privately afterward to make demands upon him and Israel.  How can she make such demands when she doesn’t even know what he said?  Reminder: Israel has repeatedly tried the two state solution which has failed every time, the most recent is obviously October 7, 2023 but before that was the 2014 war with Hamas.

● Reforming qualified immunity source
● Ending mandatory minimums source
● Decriminalization of marijuana source
● Opposes private / for profit prisons source
● Eliminating cash bail source
● Covered Up Sexual Abuse Allegations source


● Promise to kill fracking
● Notable investment in green energy such as solar, wind, and geothermal. source
● 100% clean energy by 2035 source
● Rejoin Paris agreement source
● Supports portions of the green new deal source
● Increase number of charging stations and supports further development of electric vehicles source
● Increased investments in public transit source

● Strengthen allies with Asian countries to counteract China’s influence source
● Rejoin Paris Agreement to reduce emission globally source
● Continued sanctions and diplomacy with China, Russia, and Myanmar to address human right abuses source
● Rejoining Iran Nuclear Deal source
● Promotes diplomacy to address conflicts in the Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe. source


● Supported the Affordable Care Act to provide healthcare to more Americans source
● Opposed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act since she criticized it on benefitting the wealthy source
● Supported First Step Act aimed at reducing recidivism source
● Supported the CARES Act to provide economic relief to those impacted by Covid 19 source
● Supported impeachment of trump for abuse of power and obstruction of justice source
● Supported Green New Deal resolution to combat climate change source
● Supported reauthorization of Violence Against Women Act source
● Support the American Dream and Promise Act to offer a pathway to citizenship for dreamers and those with TPS or DED source


● Introduce protections for abortion rights, including codifying Roe v Wade source
● Expand access to contraceptives, family planning, and sex education source
● Supports Paycheck Fairness Act to close the gender pay gap source
● Paid family leave source
● Supports reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act to provide resources for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking by providing shelters, legal assistance, and prevention programs. source
● Strong sexual harassment protections source
● Supports policies to increase women in STEM source
● Advocates for Title IX enforcement source
● She an enabler of abuse against women. Think of this: her husband has a history of abusing women and men who abuse once will will abuse again. As President an enabler is now in the White House.

● Supports creating ethical standards for AI systems source
● Expand training by investing in STEM education source
● Regulating big tech to ensure compensation, consumer protection, and prevent abusing power through legislation of antitrust laws. source
● AI regulatory frameworks to ensure responsible and ethical use source
● Expanding broadband access to rural and underserved areas source
● Expanding to underserved areas terminated  source
● Kamala’s Internet bust, $42 billion zero homes connected source

● Background checks for all gun sales including gun shows source
● Reinstating the federal assault weapons ban from 1994-2004 source
● Supports red flag laws to allow family and law enforcement to petition to have firearms removed from those deemed dangerous source
● Close boyfriend loophole to keep guns away from domestic abusers source
● Close gun show loophole source
● Banning firearms that can be assembled as a kit or “ghost guns” source
● Strong history of prosecuting law abiding gun owners and allowing criminals to get off, many of witch went on to kill.

● Continued implementation of of Inflation Reduction Act that provides funding on low carbon and green energy project source
● Further support of environmental justice focused on environmental impacts on those living in poverty and disadvantaged areas source


● Increased child tax credit source
● Tax policy reform source
● Higher taxes on wealthy source
● Tax credits for those making less than $100,00/year source
● Up to $6000 for parents of newborns source
● $25000 for new home buyers source
● Strengthen penalties for price-gouging source 
● Opportunity Economy source 
● Opportunity Agenda for Black Men source

● Proposing New Race-Based Payments As Support From Black Men Lags. Kamala Harris unveiled a new proposal October 14th all but promising to distribute forgivable small business loans on the basis of race as she struggles to gain the support of black men. source
-Under pressure she later included all men, but the original intent hasn’t changed.
-If this is important why wasn’t it done with the SBA in the last four years?
● Legalizing marijuana and providing opportunities for Black Americans. $1 million fully forgivable loans (read: handout) of up to $20,000 for Black entrepreneurs to start businesses source
● Reparations for Black Americans Deserve Review source

● Increase teacher pay source
● Tuition free college source
● Student loan debt relief source
● Student loan debt relief – Everyone must pay. source It’s against the law as confirmed by the Supreme Court.  source
● Universal pre-k source
● Mental health and freed/reduced meal programs for students source
● Expanding career and technical education programs source

● Supports strong military and humanitarian aid for Ukraine to fight off the Russian aggression, through weapons, equipment, and financial assistance. source
Advocates in helping stabilize the Ukrainian economy and rebuild. source
Strongly condemns Russia’s invasion as a violation of international law. source
Supports holding Russia accountable for war crimes via investigations by the International Criminal Court. source
Wants to impose sanctions on key areas of Russia including energy, finance, and defense source
Also supports sanctions on Russian leaders, oligarchs and other involved in the Ukraine invasion source
Throwing money away

● Expanding VA services source
● Increased funding for counseling, PTSD treatments, and suicide prevention source
● Increasing disability compensation, pensions, and survivor benefits. source
● Increased funding for veteran housing programs and rental assistance source
● Expanding affordable housing for veterans and their families source
● Protecting and expanding GI Bill benefits such as tuition and housing source
● Investing in research to address common veteran health issues such as traumatic brain injuries, PTSD, and exposure to toxins source

●  How many votes did Kamala get for the Presidential Nomination? For the 2020 election, some say none, some say one.  2020 Presidential Race
For the 2024 Presidential Nomination? Not one. She and party broke from campaign law and forced Biden to not run. Yes, she got delegate support, but the process was illegal. And Biden’s $81M in campaign funds came with it. more
●  Plans to abolish the electoral college forgetting that it’s constitutionally mandated requiring States approval for change.  source
●  Supports the government spying on it’s citizens.
●  Pledged to pack the supreme court and eliminate the filibuster.


This site and its creators are not affiliated with the Kamala Harris campaign. All content and opinions are their own.